Covered & Secured Loads Prevent Litter and Accidents

While driving down the Glenn Highway yesterday, I, yet again, was confronted with the situation that causes at the very least an eye-roll. The pickup truck in front of me let loose a plastic bag out of the back that flew off to the roadside. The back of the pickup was filled with all manner of stuff and, to my eye, not covered and not secured. I know it was not the pickup truck’s fault and it was not the bag’s fault either. The driver (who was talking happily on his cell phone) was clueless. Litter happens intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. Let’s remember that uncovered and unsecured loads not only cause litter, they can cause roadway accidents and deaths. There is good reason why it’s unlawful to drive with an unsecured load. So, no excuses! Littering is not unintentional when you don’t secure your load. It’s just like throwing that cup or cigarette butt out of the window. Please remind your friends, family and fellow workers that not securing your load is uncool and against the law.