We are Alaskans
for Litter Prevention & Recycling

We are Alaskans for
Litter Prevention & Recycling

We are Alaskans
for Litter Prevention & Recycling

We are Alaskans for
Litter Prevention & Recycling



Recycle right! Check out our tips to help you be a recycling pro!

Recycling right is more important than ever. We’ve got the tips to help you be a recycling pro!

Learn about our programs to help overcome the challenges of recycling in Alaska.


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Why do a lemonade stand when Can-Do Kids can turn trash into cash! Did you know your child can earn money and win prizes by recycling aluminum cans? It’s easy, fun, and you help the environment.

How to participate:

🏫 Decide on your sources for aluminum cans. Start with collecting cans at home, from your neighbors, friends, family or your parent’s work place.

🤔Sorting is important! Only aluminum cans are accepted and are they’re almost always beverage cans. A magnet does not stick to aluminum like it does to a steel can. Check your collection before bringing them in to ensure all your pounds are eligible.

🏡Choose a place at home to store aluminum cans. Get your parent’s permission to use a closet, the garage or any convenient, dry place in your home where you can collect cans. Store them in clean bags or boxes.

đźš—Take cans to the Anchorage Recycling Center to redeem for cash and put your name in for a prize! Enlist you family’s help in making regular trips to the Anchorage Recycling Center to see what else your family can recycle. Go every week or just once a month – its up to you. Make sure it’s a convenient time both for you and them!

For hours and days cans are accepted call the Anchorage Recycling Center at 562-2267. Can-Do Kids is a program of Alaskans for Litter Prevention & Recycling (ALPAR), funded by the PepsiCo Foundation and coordinated by the WestRock Anchorage Recycling Center.
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Why do a lemonade stand when Can-Do Kids can turn trash into cash! Did you know your child can earn money and win prizes by recycling aluminum cans? Its easy, fun, and you help the environment. 

How to participate:

🏫 Decide on your sources for aluminum cans. Start with collecting cans at home, from your neighbors, friends, family or your parent’s work place.

🤔Sorting is important! Only aluminum cans are accepted and are theyre almost always beverage cans. A magnet does not stick to aluminum like it does to a steel can. Check your collection before bringing them in to ensure all your pounds are eligible.

🏡Choose a place at home to store aluminum cans. Get your parent’s permission to use a closet, the garage or any convenient, dry place in your home where you can collect cans. Store them in clean bags or boxes.

🚗Take cans to the Anchorage Recycling Center to redeem for cash and put your name in for a prize! Enlist you family’s help in making regular trips to the Anchorage Recycling Center to see what else your family can recycle. Go every week or just once a month - its up to you. Make sure its a convenient time both for you and them!

For hours and days cans are accepted call the Anchorage Recycling Center at 562-2267. Can-Do Kids is a program of Alaskans for Litter Prevention & Recycling (ALPAR), funded by the PepsiCo Foundation and coordinated by the WestRock Anchorage Recycling Center.Image attachmentImage attachment

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